Prison Restaurant as gloomy exclusive resettlement inmates particularly strange clink: a slang name in English for a prison sb. serves prison sentences: prisoner you are way about the mark: 接近正确答案,但是不是正确的。 a posh name canteen, dinning hall be tempted to have a listen to the extract hospitality h ...
nested classes 分两类,static and non-static.后者又叫inner class. 前者叫static nested classes. class OutClass{ static class StaticNestedClass{} class InnerClass{} } nested classes可以声明private, protected, package private(default), public.但是一般的class确只能声明为public或者package private. 因为nested class是最为class member 看待的。 ...

new words

connotation 涵义 connotion of the word occationally Talk with native speakers even if it's very occasionally. set goals motivating terrific colloquial 属于日常会话的, 口语的,非正式场合的,非文献用的 It's a terrific way to learn colloquial vocabulary. windy city: the nickname of Chicago cardboard: 纸箱子Karton armoire: 大型衣柜 r ...


parler Je parle un petit peu francaise. manger J'aime parle francaise. J'aime chanter. J'aime danser. la musique la table On aime la musique classique.


das Omen : Das Anzeichen, Vorzeichen.... Omen也是一个英语单词。象征, ein paar neue Wörter eingefügt am 27.Feb.2010. herzblut 原来德语中心血是这么直译的 Projektgeschehen Ballast Parzelle Pinzette f, -,-n 镊子,钳子 Novität f,-,-en 新书,新的读物;新闻,新消息;新事物,新服式 Novize m, -n,-n 新手生手;见习修士 Projektnovize bisweilen有时,偶然 ausstehen vi.h, 摆出,陈列 ...
die letzte Ruhe trauer Leichenbitter Gelsenkirchener Barock Floskeln Floskeln blumige Formulierung Verdrängung Durch die Blumen sprechen mit saloppen und humorigen Sprüchen Löffel abgeben Leichenschmaus Fell versaufen makabere Formulierung herbliche Flaneure Melaten Friedhof in Köln Sensenmann vom ...

BM 秘方

医生说女生多有便秘问题,不知道坛子里是不是也有很多JM和我一样有这种困扰,现在就把方子介绍给大家,希望对大家也有帮助! Zum normalen Frühstück dazu: (医生说没有什么特别的规定,平常怎么吃早餐就怎么吃,面包啊粥啊什么的都可以,可能很多JM和我一样经常睡懒觉,往往中午的时候才吃所谓的早餐,这也没有关系,我睡晚了起来吃也照样有效) 1/2 Becher Joghurt  (我每天早上吃一杯150克的酸奶,不知道半杯是针对多少的酸奶说的,但我权衡底下那两样的量,觉的150克差不多了) 2  Essl.  Leinsamen  geschrotet  (我查了一下,这个叫亚麻 ...

Compass 入门

http://hi.baidu.com/shirdrn/blog/item/b733ce083bbc29900a7b8296.html/cmtid/8fbd22ec123cd13427979166 http://www.opensymphony.com/compass/content/documentation.html
E-business: the practice of exchange of business documents by means of telecommunications
a bolt from the blue a bolt out of the blue at sixes and sevens I am at sixes and sevens about what to do. ..... take something with a pinch of salt: to believe something to not be entirely true or accurate ................................................................... Aeronautics National ...
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/architecture/library/ar-analpat/index.html The pattern Take the following steps to develop a pattern for business stakeholder requirements descriptions:    1. Identify the business processes.    2. Identify the IT processes that support each of the business proces ...

Use case

A use case in software engineering and systems engineering is a description of a system’s behaviour as it responds to a request that originates from outside of that system. The use case technique is used to capture a system's behavioral requirements by detailing scenario-driven threads through the fu ...
1. Business Requirements 较高层面上对企业的目标和需要做的陈述。 Business Requirements are higher-level statements of the goals, objectives, or needs of the enterprise. They describe such things the reasons why a project is initiated, the things that the project will achieve, and the metrics which will be used to measur ...
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